Daily life in Groningen


This is the best bill board I’ve seen this far in my hometown!
This is outside a (fancy, hipster-like) barbershop.
I think advertising is like politics, lying and exaggerate point to attract ‘costumers’. This is a good way to lie, make fun of it and attract costumers nevertheless!

Daily life in Ireland


When I was in Dublin with my sister, we took the train (DART) to Howth, a coastal village.
We first had really great fish & chips (fish is the only food you’ll find there) and then we went for a hike.
If you guys are in Dublin, make sure you go to Howth. I’ve seen the best views in years there! This picture was taken there: on the right it was all dead branches (like above) on the left side grass and trees and flowers! Really weird and amazing!
Then we got to the next view, the coast with a lighthouse:


Well, huge spoiler alert! But if you still want to, check it out for yourself!

Daily life in Berlin


One thing in Germany that you have to try: sausage!

Maybe they tell you Germany is the place to be for beer. Let me tell you, that is NOT true. (The Czech Republic has the best (and most) beer but that’s not the point)
What I love about traveling is the change of culture, humor and kitchen of course. I love to try out local food. (Even though I don’t like it sometimes… ah well, I tried!)
So when you’re in Germany, please stop by a local restaurant (or a booth as seen above) and order a nice meal with currywurst! Enjoy!

Daily life in the movies


Ladies, (I won’t expect gentlemen to recognize this place) can you tell from which romantic movie this scenery is from?

The answer is: P.S. I Love You
The Wicklow Mountains Day Tour brought me here. One day in the Irish mountains, including a busdriver who sang Irish songs, made jokes and told us a lot about the Irish history.
I usually don’t like organized trips, but this was great!